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原创 徐亮 世界艺术 2019-12-05

Significance of Liu Guang’s Longitude & Latitude Schema
文 / 徐亮  by xu liang
I saw Liu Guang’s painting in the end of 2018 in his studio in Shenzhen. Endless small squares, which are outlined by several lines and woven together like longitude and latitude attract me. It looks like a battlefield filled with soldiers or an image in the sky difficult to be found. What a profound artistic conception it is! It isn’t like conventional landscape, figure or freehand birds and flowers paintings, which are realistic and vulgar. Instinctively, the longitude & latitude schema made by ink shows Liu Guang’s dispositions— calm and convenience. Besides, his works embody his consciousness and understanding about the world.
Graduated from Chinese Painting Department, Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, traditional Chinese culture influences Liu Guang’s spiritual pursuit. Even if he has graduated for over two decades, he has always been seeking for greater achievements in commercial art in Shenzhen, one of the most prosperous cities in China.
Longitude & latitude schema is Liu Guang’s new created visual sign. Enlightened by his experience that helping his father to pick up and accumulate types in the type factory established by his father in Liu’s childhood, the acquaintance with types and persistent pursuit for ink are his sources of longitude & latitude schema. Time flying and nourished by business culture of Shenzhen, integration of abundant experience for commercial art and persistent pursuit of ink painting forms his own understanding about contemporary ink painting and the process of understanding has been a road for him to understand the world and undertaking running through his art career. Facing his works which focus on repeated, deconstructionist, simple and abstract form, we seem to feel a sense of Mondrian style from him in the artistic ontology semantic and visual expression. In his picture, on the one hand, constantly repetitively random ink colors deconstruct the elements forming his picture; on the other hand, he explores the essential of schema with profound and easy approaches from various subtle changes. The exploration leads him to deduce unusual visual effect and a sense of order abstractly expressed by repeat elements rationally. Therefore, Liu Guang’s works are obscure, secret and hard to understand, enlightening us to think according to his schema and seek for the meaning and connotation of his abstract paintings.
Liu Guang’s works shows his talent, which is related to his restraining and tenacious disposition. Therefore, he doesn’t imitate overmuch elements from other artists’ works. He encourages himself to climb the peak of art. In other words, he tries hard to reach the edge of ink art by his extreme power and departs from convention by his persistent fight, showing his best situation within his own ability. This is a basic talent of an artist.
Liu Guang’s longitude & latitude schema isn’t only the sum of inflexible longitude and latitude but their expand including surreal routes for transition. In other words, he mixes the conflicts and tangles with his paintings revealing a series of orderly contradictions such as correct and incorrect, black and white, present and future, etc. Besides, he encodes these contradictions in his longitude & latitude schema with the atmosphere of the current era and the shadow under the so-called “new era”. His works focus on strange phenomena led by collectivism such as indifference, tedium and lack of unique personality, etc., especially the blindness in virtual generated by modernism. Besides, his works expand his analysis or doubt about the quality of our spiritual life. Liu Guang’s works embody the conflict between our existence and current situation. Constantly repeated cross lines and aggregation of separate relationship become his track for life and extreme pursuit for the quality of spiritual life under the background of vulgar life. Thus, he can restrict nonsense expression by his rational attitude. When it comes to the painting itself, it’s an integration of a series of conflicts, such as tangible and intangible, cover and cross, empty and entity, thick and thin, etc. It seems that it’s at random, in fact, he always controls the range of “endless” free and extending route.
We can imagine that how entangled Liu Guang is when he is spending long time to finish his work. However, if he once overcomes the difficulties, he will think about his process of thinking and actions during the time he finishes the works (He repeatedly outlines, point out, dyes, hits and grinds on the rice paper when he is devoting to his works.) according to time and changes of his moods. The way like cultivating spiritual practice brings us from daily ceremonies, concepts and cognition to make art become one of our actions in daily life so as to make a quiet space which is only felt by himself. It looks like a space which is used to cultivate oneself according to Buddhism doctrine, with his imagination about life, society, surroundings even the outer space in the future and brings himself from a narrow vision space and imagined space to a transcendent spiritual field. 
It’s obvious that Liu Guang’s longitude & latitude schema is linked to traditional Chinese culture by cultivating himself according to Buddhism doctrine. He observes the world and life by thinking and meditating, and he discovers the spiritual meaning of the collection of a variety of conflicts. We can fully understand the integration of calm and spiritual escape, serious and lively, and tangible and intangible from Liu Guang’s works from such kind of homogeneous and heterogeneous phenomenon.
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